free printables LA LOI DU HASARD
We offer you these free printables* A good way to defeat boredom during these strange Corona times.
* These printables are the small-scale paper version of LA LOI DU HASARD, a wall art piece we designed previously: 10 pieces, 3 boards and randomness. A number of shapes are randomly placed onto the boards. One, four or all of them... there are no laws. Except the laws of chance. This is how impromptu compositions are created by a spontaneous act.It could be an every day ritual. A welcome for a visitor. Or maybe just for the pleasure of creating. An idea inspired by Jean Arp's work in which randomness played an important role.
1. Download the pages and print them om thick paper.
2. Cut out 3 boards and 10 pieces.
3. Make a random composition. There are now laws. Except the laws of chance.
4. Take a picture and post it! Tag @nortstudio.be and #laloiduhasard. Or send us your picture at info@nortstudio.be.
Make it your every day ritual!
Meanwhile, stay safe.
Prefarably, printing on thick paper